Wednesday 18 May 2011

Monkying around (will they ever better the Gorilla?)

Poor man's honda

China Central Television gets inked

An ultimate movie ident


Discovery blue print

OFFF (2009) title sequence - more Extras than Ghandi

Simple Jap Horror Spot MkII

Simple Jap horror spot

Step into the light

Middle East Movies

Monday 16 May 2011

Interstitials that make you glad a program has finished:

PoV Stan

More4 remembering FedEx

It's like the FedEx commercial spawned a Channel Promo. Plagiarism or referential...? It is over 25 years that separate them...

Hindsight adds a new layer to the original (UK) Lost promo:

We really are just another animal:

Channel 4's hay day

When Flash Mobs are a good thing:

Inspired... VH1 Anti Rockstar by Channel promo legend Bryan Buckley:

Where there's coke, there's smoke...



Saturday 14 May 2011

In the beginning...

Here's my very first post... I'm starting with a reference clip (not a promo). 'Oops' is modern classic and forays deep into experimentation land. Chris Beckham harvested a tonne of clips from YouTube and stitched them together using their alliterative moments.